Flamenco dance, flamenco canberra, bata de cola
Special Combined
Bulerías Class
Technique & Choreography
All continuing students taught
together in this special class
Mondays 8.30-9.30pm
Nov 13 - Dec 18 (6 sessions)
Term 4 Fee: $210
Early Bird pay before Oct 30, $180
A chance to understand and thus gain confidence in the key elements of Bulerías; the compás, the song, and how the dancer fits in.
Since this is a combined class of differing levels, individual students will be attended to accordingly. Please allow Maestro to teach without interruption, and save your spur of the moment questions for the end of class.
Some resources to help you prepare:
1. Wikipedia 'Bulerías';
2. Five Things You Need To Know About Dancing Bulerías;
3. Youtube - Cante por bulerías, Estrella Morente, Pepe & Juan Habichuela;
4. Youtube - Flamenco Metronome, Bulerías 180 bmp;
payment confirmation to tomasflamenco@gmail.com.
Your place is secured with your Direct Deposit Payment to:
BSB# 815000
Account# 102528
Account Name: Nifty Fifty
When you make the payment please include clear details in your bank's reference field:
• the Term you're paying for (eg T1, T2), plus
• your full name,
eg: T4 Jane Citizen