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La Cultura

Links to audiovisual resources.

Flamenco is a cultural expression born of the people of Andalucía.


This fact presents challenges for students who exist outside of this culture, but doesn't necessarily exclude them.


One can remain etic and copy flamenco, or one can become emic and be inspired by the reality of flamenco from within. The difference is chasmic.


To interpret pure flamenco well, I believe it's crucial to connect as deeply as possible with the mindset of the peope who created it; to gain broad knowledge and experience with the Spanish culture and the Andalucían culture beyond the confines of sangría and paella into which most foreign flamenco students are corralled.


Below are some useful videos, articles and streaming links to a broad range of cultural information to stimulate you to place our belovëd flamenco in its living context, and pursue that precious insight.

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